Deep down, you know you deserve more for yourself.

It's time to become

The Best Version of Yourself

Does it look like you have it all together on the outside,

but inside, not so much? 

Do you feel overwhelmed or as if you can’t slow down? Do you overthink? Do you struggle with letting things go? Find yourself replaying conversations in your head at the end of each day, wondering how you were perceived, and mentally criticizing yourself for what you did or didn’t do or say? Have a hard time saying no? Constantly put other people’s needs and preferences before your own? Perhaps you spend so much time worrying about what other people want and think that you have no idea what you want? Is it hard to make decisions- worried about what would happen if you made the “wrong” choice? Do you spend so much time thinking and worrying about the past and future that it feels like you are missing the present? Struggle with making decisions? Do you worry so much about the future that it feels like you are missing the present?

What if things were different?

Imagine what it would be like to consistently feel self-assured. To feel comfortable in your own skin. To go about your day confidently, making decisions, knowing what is best for you and making that a priority. To strive for excellence in the things that matter in your life without a nagging fear of making a mistake or failing. To say “no” and setting boundaries without excuses or guilt. Imagine what it would feel like to truly let things go, leave the past in the past, and enjoy being in the moment!

What’s holding you back?

Maybe you have tried to prioritize your needs and wellness- perhaps more than once. You promise yourself you will focus on you, get more sleep, stress less, etc., but the change doesn’t stick because there is always another priority.

Or maybe you focused external factors, hoping they would be the difference? Sure, a new look or change of scenery can give a quick boost and feel good. But sooner or later, the effect wears off and you are back to feeling the way you felt, right?

Or perhaps you’re the one your friends and family come to with their problems. You pride yourself on your independence and ability to handle things and you believe that you are “supposed” to be able to handle things on your own. That gets exhausting. Sure, it builds new armor that can keep you going at the same pace, but it only works for so long.

Deep down, you may know that you need to do the internal work but are afraid to look inside. Sure, continuing to do what you’ve been doing may not feel great, but it’s familiar. And familiar feels safe!

Deep down, you may know that you need to do the internal work but are afraid to look inside. Sure, continuing to do what you’ve been doing may not feel great, but it’s familiar. And familiar feels safe!

What would happen if you said the worst things that you believe about yourself to someone else- out loud? Will that make them true? Absolutely not!

Positive, Lasting Change is Possible

Changing old patterns is hard- and scary! It’s called a “comfort zone” for a reason, right? No one is "supposed to" handle everything by themselves. You don’t need to do it alone and enlisting a guide to gently push you along is a sign that you have the courage and strength to commit to face the uncomfortable!  No one else sees you as critically as you see yourself. Also, those negative beliefs only feel true to you right now, but you can change them! It is possible to break out of this cycle and experience the confidence, peace and balance in your life that you deserve!

Milissa Aronson, LCSW

My name is Milissa Aronson, and I am a Licensed Clinical Social Worker. I understand how easy it can be to fall into a pattern of being overworked and overcommitted. To feel overwhelmed by the realization that the habits and perfectionistic standards that once drove success now leave you feeling helpless or stuck. Or to be so upset by something that the thought or memory of it intrudes into everything you do.

For over two decades, I've helped high-performing individuals let go of the angst and worry that they regularly experience in their day-to-day lives without having to sacrifice the parts of themselves that they love, allowing them to feel content, confident, and comfortable with themselves truly.

It takes strength and courage to make a change. You can free yourself from old patterns. If you're ready to start feeling better, I invite you to reach out. I look forward to working with you and helping you grow into the person you know you were meant to be.


I work with adults, providing treatment for all of the conditions below. I also treat high school and college age athletes, addressing challenges related to sports and performance. 

Click on each option to learn more about my specializations.

In-person and telehealth sessions are offered. In-person appointments are offered in Summit and New Providence. 

The Summit office, located at 467 Springfield Avenue, is conveniently located within walking distance of the Summit train station. The New Providence office, located at 219 South Avenue, is located in the center of New Providence and has ample off-street parking.